Norbert Tóth: Zenos

2022 March 4-23

Puccs Contemporary Art
[Budapest VIII. Víg st. 22.]
Insight Project

Opening: 2022 March 3, 5-7pm

The most significant idea of the Stoic school of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium, was the stoic temperance; according to which humans should observe happenings with serenity and total acquiescence.
This idea is the base of the installation at Puccs, expanded with the statement that passive contemplation, absence of acting can also cause the loss of ourselves.

Norbert Tóth visual artist who is living and working in Zalaegerszeg; graduated at Berzsenyi Dániel College; at Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Visual Education Department; and at the University of Pécs, Faculty of History.
By using traditional techniques, he is striving to express conceptual ideas in the works. His choice of subject includes the often humorous but always relevant questions of historical past, the dilemma of time and space – and the locality inside, as well as speculations on personal and social situations of conflict.

Contributors: Kóbor és Társa Kkt., Municipium Kft., Imre Molnár, Róbert Sütő, Tamás Wettstein

All rights reserved Ⓒ

Cover image: Ádám Széll: Under Construction, Puccs, 2022
Parallel Art FoundationBudapest, Hungary