
Parallel Art Foundation is a non-profit organisation founded in 2010, with the aim to support, develop and internationally contextualize Hungarian contemporary performing and visual arts.

Performing art activities include contemporary dance projects with a special focus on site-specific events and happenings in public space.

Through the Dancefilm Project we contribute to the development and international presence of Hungarian film dealing with dance, movement, choreography and the human body. Besides modern and contemporary genres, urban and street dance styles are also included in the program.

Our visual art activities are focusing on konkret kunst, geometric and non-objective arts. In co-operation with art organisations and institutions, we organise exhibitions and artist-in-residence programs in Hungary and abroad, in order to facilitate the mobility of artworks and artists.

Operation of the Foundation is supervised by a three-member curatorial board.


Gábor Pintér
Art director
Curator / Coordinator

-> Dancefilm Project
- Dance for All
- Dance Commando
-> Art with a View

-> Visual Arts AIR Program
-> Kids’ programs

Katalin Erdődi
Curator / Coordinator

– Dance for All!
- Dance Commando
-> Art with a View

Gabriella Máthé
Curator / Coordinator

-> ShortWave

Ilona Kőhegyi

PR and Communication


Bata Ágnes, Komporday Rita, Kárpáti Lili Melánia, Gárgyán Eszter, Pluhár Bianka, Czveiber Barbara, Herczog Noémi, Turny Zoltán, Horváth Anikó, Molnár Nóra, Kocsis Zoltán, Deák Emese, Varga Dóri, Czveiber Rita, Pecséri Tünde Ildikó, Bíró Melinda, Kiss Viktória, Pintér Krisztina, Bende Orsolya, Nagy Horváth Éva, Rétfalvi Tímea, Szabó-Ambrus Rita, Arhip Isabelle, Szabó Cs.Rita, Kenéz Réka, Ács Bálint, Kurucz Ági, Kovács Zsófia, Szász Adrienn, Bátovszki Patrícia, Csipai Bettina, Zsákai Ákos, Szatmári Zsófi, Csányi Krisztina, Zsganecz József, Klinkó Szilvia, Szemessy Kinga, Harmath Olívia, Raubinek Lili, Zrinyi Daniel, Bot Ádám, Ács Eszter, Joó Kinga, Pelles Nikolett, Illés Márton Rudolf, Kelenhegyi Olga Sára, Juhász Adél, Jobbágy Bernadett, Dömötör Luca, Rab Alexandra, Ádám Andrea, Arnaud Blondel, Forgó Árpád

All rights reserved Ⓒ

Cover image: Ádám Széll: Under Construction, Puccs, 2022
Parallel Art FoundationBudapest, Hungary