Eszter Varga Heatloop
2022, July 14 – August 25
Puccs Contemporary Art
[VIII. Budapest, Víg u. 22.]
Insight Project
Opening: 2022, July 14, 7-9pm
First installation in the second series of Insight Project.
In the relation of humans and the space, the temperature is a significant factor. Our sense of heat effects our clothing, the time we spend and our position in spaces. In the installation, Eszter Varga displays the heat in a heatloop on a heatmap. She also visualises the main challenge of our age, the global warming. We cannot see the heat with our eyes, but through the installation, it hugs the viewer visually. The composition simultaneously represents the space and time loop of climate change.
Eszter Varga was born in 1996, in Szombathely, Hungary. She earned her degree at the University of Pécs, majoring sculpture and teacher of visual arts.
In her works, she creates 3D models of new creatures, bioforms with the usage of scanned human bones. She also examines the aesthetics of the symbioses of human body, nature and machines with the joint usage of different colours, forms and materials.
Supported by Józsefváros Municipality