Erik Tollas - Zsófia Magdolna Nagy
Dancing with the SCOBY

Cairo Contemporary, Budapest

1071 Budapest, Lövölde tér 7.

2024, March 1-29

Erik Tollas and Zsófia Magdolna Nagy's kombucha happening focuses on the observation of time, in which opposites are linked: movement with immobility, plastic with living organisms, the visible with the invisible, installation with still life.

Erik Tollas (1981) graduated from Eszterházy Károly College, Faculty of Drawing and Visual Communication, then from the University of Pécs, Faculty of Visual Arts, Painting Department. He is interested in the totem as a symbol system and its various abstractions, where the work becomes the pure nature of colour and form through the conscious reduction of gesture. While creating, he creates instinctive drawings, automatic signs and sign systems, in which the mark-making is linked to natural phenomena and becomes a prayer to Mother Earth.

Zsófia Magdolna Nagy (1989) also graduated from the Faculty of Visual Arts of PTE, Painting Department. Her work combines different media and materials, including painting, sculpture and installation. His monochrome moulded canvases explore the image and its borderlands. His experimental works combine different materials to create various hybrid objects. Objects peeled of their function in her work are recycled into a reinterpretation, thereby fixing the change that results from their passing.

Both artists are members of BUMm - Budakalász Studio House.


Curator: Gábor Pintér
Supported by Erzsébetváros Municipality - Cultural District Catalyst Grant
Cooperation partner: Bischitz Johanna Integrated Human Service Centre


All rights reserved Ⓒ

Cover image: Ádám Széll: Under Construction, Puccs, 2022
Parallel Art FoundationBudapest, Hungary