Bárdi Dominik
Cairo Contemporary, Budapest
1071 Budapest, Lövölde tér 7.
2024, August 8 - September 3
On view: 0-24h
The pantry carries the association of a homely environment. Grandma's preserves lining up is a lovely memory in our minds. Although the artist was interested in the collective, common moments of remembrance during the creation process, it is not a historical memory, but the reminiscence of childhood. The process of reminiscence is important to the artist, the way an object strokes back moments of our past. The melting wax is a metaphor for the intimate family idyll. The jars are in different colours and we associate different flavours with them. There is also the problem of the half-empty or half-full question: just as the wax imitates the inner content of the empty glass, it fills it with meaning.
Dominik Bárdi has been working for more than a year on the representation of transparency, mainly using sculptural means. He creates images and reliefs with wax and light. Most of these works are reliefs on a glass surface with two complementary or even contradictory views. He patterns the wax on the glass surface so that light can easily pass through. The recipe of relief changes and a new, reserve patterning is needed. The darker the image, the thicker the layer of wax. The view through the glass can never be completely sharp, so only sudden changes in thickness can give a sense of tonal variation. While one side appears to be a photo-like relief, the other side appears to be an almost uninterpretable relief, a kind of negative of the relief: the darker parts are the high parts and the illuminated parts are the low parts.
Dominik Bárdi was born in 2000 and is currently a sculpture student at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. He was awarded a Ludwig scholarship in 2023. His work has been shown in group exhibitions at MAMŰ Gallery and ISBN Gallery, among others. His chosen themes often include everyday elements. He often uses found objects and his work is also characterised by the evocation of childhood.
Curator: Gábor Pintér
Supported by Erzsébetváros Municipality
Cooperation partner: Bischitz Johanna Integrated Human Service Centre